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Board of Assessment Review (BAR)
The Job of the Board of Assessment Review
The Board of Assessment Review convenes on the forth Tuesday of May to hear and evaluate grievances filed by home and property owners within the Town. Members volunteer their service and select one of their members as the Chairperson of the Board each May prior to grievance day.

5-Year Terms Expiration Members
September 30, 2023  
September 30, 2024 Richard Gorman
September 30, 2025 Michael Hladik
September 30, 2026 Tim Monast
September 30, 2027 Suzanne Canall

Changes of Assessment notices will be mailed out during the week of April 17th. Complaints on Assessment MUST be in writing on Form RP-524 (Instructions for from RP-524), submitted together with your supporting documentation, 6 copies, and received in the Assessor's Office by close of business on Monday May 22nd, 2023. You are not required to appear in person, you may drop off your complaint and the Board will give it the same consideration as if you appeared. You are not given a decision on Grievance Day. The Board will reconvene at a later date to make their determinations. The determinations will be mailed to you by the last day of June.

If you would like to appear before the Board, you must schedule an appointment at (518) 885-8047. Appointments are in 20 minutes increments and are first-come first served from 4:00PM-8:00PM (call for a time slot). If additional time is needed we will extend these hours.

You will need to have your complaint prepared in advance, with supporting documentation, and six (6) copies delivered to the Assessor's Office no later than Monday, May 22nd. Grievance Day is Tuesday May 23rd.

You may also choose to have your appointment done by call-in sessions with the Board. If you choose this option, your complaint must be received in our office by Monday, May 22nd 2023. Your session will be held to the time you reserved so that others with reservations are not inconvenienced.

Assessor's Office